KB2976943 - "The update is not applicable to this computer."
I am a software developer making software which utilizes DirectX 11. My workplace has several Yoga Pro 2's with Windows 8.1 that I am testing on, and some of my colleagues are running on a couple different models of Surface, which also have Windows 8.1, and I am getting issues where when I run my software on these machines, the memory grows and grows into oblivion until the software crashes. I found a hotfix for this very issue, KB2976943, but when I try to run it, I get "The update is not applicable to this computer." I can't understand why not. I certainly have the right operating system for it, and I have verified that the prerequisite hotfix is installed.
May 28th, 2015 12:18pm

To apply this update, you must first have update 2919355 installed in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2.

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May 28th, 2015 7:20pm


KB2976943 would install files dated 06 March 2014 and earlier, all of which have been superseded by files installed by KB2919355 & later updates (e.g., KB3000850).

You could refer to file information file version from


Then compare version number to current one.


D. Wu

May 31st, 2015 9:29pm

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